My night photography skills need some work.... but in any case, if you are in Rome, stop by the Circo Massimo after 10:00 pm to view the light show before it closes tomorrow --- fantastic (or as the guy standing next to me said to someone on the other end of his cell phone, "una ficata.")
La Notte Bianca came and went, 250 tons of trash have been removed and only the lights at Circo Massimo are left.
40,000 attended the 6:00am concert by the Italian group "Zero Asoluto", another 10,000 watched a ritual dance by a Turkish Sufi group of whirling dervisces at the same time with the sunrise as a backdrop from the Gianicolo hill. 100,000 visited the zoo, another 100,000 watched a circus performance in Piazza del Popolo and 20,000 visited the newly re-opened Palazzo delle Esposizioni. There were long lines for all the museums and 10,000 visited inside the historic building that houses the Ministry of Economics. 730,000 people used the buses to get around, with the center closed off to traffic.
An estimated 2.5 million people participated with only 145 emergency interventions, none serious.
The Romans certainly know how to throw a great party, everyone had fun and no one got hurt. Do we have something to learn from this?
a domani,
azzzzi sono gelosa! zero assoluto ...che figo! :)
I was delighted to find your blog via the expat interviews site.
Italiana americana -- my son went before finally heading to bed!
di mackey -- welcome! great photos on your site--any night fotography hints for next year?
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